Ending TPP Ending JCPOA Ending NAFTA Ending Affiliation with WTO TPP The Trans-Pacific Partnership, which Trump obviously did not understand was the biggest boon to China in this century! Under the agreement, we would have an economic and democracy-boosting agreement with the Pacific Rim nations that would have rivaled China and provided security and economic and military leverage against them! JCPOA The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action was intended to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons and improve regional and global security. Iran accepted restrictions on its nuclear program and underwent regular inspections by the International Atomic Energy Agency. Our removal from the program resulted in our blindness to the Iranian nuclear progress, which is now just short of weapons production! NAFTA The North American Free Trade Agreement was ended by the Trump administration and the new agreement brokered by them led to higher US trade deficits. The same was true with the
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